Absolute beauty

美 [ˈæbsəluːt ˈbjuːti]英 [ˈæbsəluːt ˈbjuːti]
  • 网络绝对美;绝对的美
Absolute beautyAbsolute beauty
  1. That new car is an absolute beauty .


  2. Oh come on , you know that 's a gross understatement . she 's an absolute beauty .


  3. Finally , for the first time in my life , I was going to move into brand-new house and it was an absolute beauty .


  4. Yet you will enjoy all of the comforts you could possibly think of , surrounded by absolute beauty and spectacular colors some of which are presently unseen on Earth .


  5. Experience surfing absolute happiness , beauty cry for you , seagulls flying over from the side , more exciting and more unhappy .


  6. However , in symmetry is hidden delusion , that is , only symmetry without absolute symmetry can incarnate beauty .


  7. The basic features of the medieval taste awareness were as follows : the beauty was combined with the personal noble value or the absolute value ; without noble value or absolute value , beauty was of no significance .
